Sun Valley Investments is a private investment firm with an industry leading track record

Our Strategy

Over US $

In precious metals transactions


*Globally including mining operations

Over US $

In assets under management

Who we are

We are a private investment firm focused on the precious metals mining industry

Our extensive portfolio includes companies and branch offices situated across the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Our senior management team has several decades of combined experience in mining investing, combining exceptional investment skills across multiple asset classes with hands-on expertise in both senior and junior companies within the precious metals mining and refining sector.

SVI is committed to financing the entire precious metals supply chain, including mineral exploration, mine construction, production, processing, and refining. Our holistic approach ensures that we are well positioned to meet the long-term demand for precious metals by providing strategic investment capital and leveraging our deep industry knowledge to navigate the complexities of commodity cycles.

Built for a Distinctive Approach

Meet our team


Our Strategy

To meet long-term demand, we believe the metals and mining sector requires focused investment capital from knowledgeable investors who understand the unique challenges of the industry.

Sun Valley’s investment strategy focuses on sustainable development projects and operations with growth potential, low cash costs of production, and the operational flexibility to mitigate commodity market volatility.

Our team leverages advanced skills in gold mining geology and mining engineering to identify and develop high-quality assets. With a deep understanding of geological formations and engineering principles, we can accurately assess resource potential and optimize extraction methods. This expertise allows us to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and maximize value.

By integrating our advanced geological and engineering knowledge into our investment strategy, we aim to achieve superior risk-adjusted returns.

By integrating advanced data analytics into our investment strategy, we aim to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns.

Investment Portfolio


Early Stage

We focus on early-stage exploration, project de-risking, and scoping studies. Investments in this phase range from $1M to $25M, utilizing a variety of investment structures to provide funding across the capital spectrum.


Invests in development, pre-feasibility and onwards, and operating stage companies or assets Targets projects that are either near production or development-ready. These investments, ranging from $3M to $75M, are directed towards projects nearing production or construction.


Our production investments range from $5 million to $150 million and involve both offtake finance and equity investments. Through offtake finance, we provide upfront payments to partners requiring capital to expand mines, refinance obligations, complete acquisitions, or meet working capital needs. In exchange for the upfront payment, Sun Valley Investments (SVI) recovers its capital through a small discount to the London FIX or SPOT at the time of delivery of raw doré or concentrate. In addition, our equity investments enable us to partner with mining companies, providing strategic capital to drive growth and unlock long-term value.


In the downstream phase, we engage in bullion sales to final clients interested in investing in physical gold, provide government-guaranteed precious metals investment and storage programs, and deliver physical precious metals products and investment solutions to global markets.

Latest news

More news
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“” nos ha destacado recientemente en un artículo. La oferta pública de adquisición se formula para adquirir una cantidad de acciones mínima equivalente al 5 % y una cantidad máxima equivalente al 9 % La operación busca la adquisición de una cantidad de acciones mínima equivalente al 5 % y una cantidad máxima equivalente al […]

Bloomberg Covers the Latest on Our Strategic Moves: “Indian Investor Launches New Tender Offer for Mineros: Seeks to Control 40%”

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“La República” recently highlighted us in an article. Below is the translated version: “Investor Sun Valley Seeks to Acquire More Than 30% of the Company, Driven by the Bullish Gold Cycle. Offered Price Falls Below Analyst’s Target Price, Analysts Say. The year began with corporate developments on the Colombian Stock Exchange. In less than a […]