
Forbes Highlights Our Recent Developments: “Sun Valley Increased Its Stake in Mineros S.A. to 56.85% Following the Conclusion of the Latest Public Tender Offer”

Prior to the Public Tender Offer, Sun Valley already owned 30.85% of Mineros’ shares.

On Tuesday, March 18, the acceptance period for the Public Tender Offer (PTO) launched by Sun Valley Investments AG for up to 26% of Mineros S.A.’s issued and subscribed common shares came to an end.

According to the Colombian Stock Exchange (BVC), the Mineros share offer was oversubscribed, with 77,931,725 shares accepted, representing 26% of the share capital, at a price of COP 5,500 per share.

The closing of this transaction is scheduled for March 25. Prior to Sun Valley’s PTO, the company already owned 30.85% of Mineros’ shares.

With the completion of the Public Tender Offer, Sun Valley will attain a 56.85% stake in the total outstanding shares.

Read the original article in Forbes published on March 20, 2025: Click here.