Las 2 Orilla’s on the change in control of Mineros: “The Young Indian Millionaire Who Took Control of Mineros, Colombia’s Leading Gold Mining Company”

With a bold move, through his company Sun Valley Investments, Vikram Sodhi acquired a 56.85% stake in the mining company, which holds its greatest wealth in Antioquia. Sun Valley Investments, whose majority shareholder and managing partner is Vikram Sodhi, has gained control of Mineros S.A., one of the largest gold mining companies in the country, […]

Forbes Highlights Our Recent Developments: “Sun Valley Increased Its Stake in Mineros S.A. to 56.85% Following the Conclusion of the Latest Public Tender Offer”

Prior to the Public Tender Offer, Sun Valley already owned 30.85% of Mineros’ shares. On Tuesday, March 18, the acceptance period for the Public Tender Offer (PTO) launched by Sun Valley Investments AG for up to 26% of Mineros S.A.’s issued and subscribed common shares came to an end. According to the Colombian Stock Exchange […]

Sun Valley Investments AG Announces the Successful Allocation of the Offer to Purchase Shares of Mineros S.A.

Sun Valley Investments AG (“Sun Valley”) today announces the successful allocation of its previously announced improved public offer to purchase common shares (“Common Shares”) of Mineros S.A. (“Mineros” or the “Company”, TSX: MSA, CB: MINEROS) by way of an Oferta Pública de Adquisición (the “Improved OPA” or the “Offer”) through the facilities of the Colombia […]

As Featured in Las2orillas: “The Indian Entrepreneur Making a Bold Move to Take Over Mineros, One of the Nation’s Leading Gold Miners”

Vikram Sodhi acquired shares from the Pacheco family of Colpatria and, with a superior per-share offer, seeks to outmaneuver the Moreno Echavarría family in the competition for the mining company. Sun Valley Investments, led by its CEO and partner, the Indian-born entrepreneur and neuroscientist Vikram Sodhi— a former investment banker who entered the Colombian market […]

As Featured in Halcones y Palomas: “The Moreno Echavarría Family Withdrew Their Takeover Bid for Mineros: Indian Investor Vikram Sodhi Wins His Bet”

“Halcones y Palomas” has recently highlighted us in an article. Translation by Sun Valley Investments. Medellín – The firm Negocios y Representaciones requested that the Colombian Stock Exchange release the bank guarantee it had provided for the purposes of the Competing Public Tender Offer for the ordinary shares of Mineros S.A.(TSX: MSA) (CB: Mineros). This means that the company […]

The Leading Newspaper, El Colombiano, reports: “Bidding War for Mineros Shares: Sun Valley Investments Launches an Improved Tender Offer.”

“El Colombiano” has recently highlighted us in an article. Translation by Sun Valley Investments. Since late 2024, Sun Valley Investments has been seeking to increase its stake in the Antioquia-based company. The competition for a larger shareholding in Mineros has become a major event in the Colombian stock market, where Swiss firm Sun Valley Investments […]

Highlighted by Bloomberg: “Major Shareholders Engage in a Bidding War for the Company”

“Bloomberg” has recently highlighted us in an article. Translation by Sun Valley Investments. Sun Valley responded to Negocios y Representaciones’ public tender offer with a new bid featuring a 14% price increase, aiming to gain control of more than half of the Colombian company’s shares. Bogotá — Mineros S.A.’s two largest shareholders remain locked in […]

Sun Valley Investments AG Announces Acquisition of Securities of Canagold Resources Inc.

This news release is related to the common shares of Canagold Resources Ltd. Sun Valley Investments AG, a Private Investment Firm, and a related party, Goldlogic Corp., have acquired 4.6 million common shares of the company, which are designated as flow-through common shares of the company for the purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada) […]